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an content) I am also gearing up for a next session of my mentoring program Stories Matter, professional female authors mentoring the next generation of storytellers. Stay tuned.
Not a Suspect
Very much enjoyed The Women of Troy by Pat Barker. After the burning of Troy what is to become of the women? Fresh, captivating, heartbreaking. Slavery and rebellion. Another surprising read was Couple Found Slain: After a Family Murder by Mikita Brottman. At first it seems like another pair of shit parents murdered by their mentally disturbed kid. And it is that, but the story really gets good after the kid is sent to a mental hospital. He has currently been there for the past 27 ish years. A scathing indictment of how we push aside, with very little regulation certain elements of our society, and it isn’t about rehabilitation, and it isn’t about justice and there is very little measure sticks to ensure fairness. Looking for the next ENTITY Magazine book club author which will be back in the Spring. |
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