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On Zee Go Newsletter

October 2021

“I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.”
– Edgar Allan Poe
Packing Light is NOT my Style!


This is going to be so short (and a day late) because I somehow deleted everything I wrote for October. Oh well. Boo. Must be the spooks.

As ya know I returned from a literary month in Paris. Extraordinary. Got so much research done for my next film (more on that in a second) and book(s?).

Pit stop New York on the way home. Gosh, haven’t been there since before the Pandemic! Was so good to be there. Went to the premier of Six, the Musical (which we had tickets to before this nonsense started). It is amazing and those girls can sing! Everyone wore a mask inside. Vaccination cards shown!Had lunch with a dear author friend who inspired me to turn my sizzle reel (been shopping around to be my next doc/movie) into a short film. The next couple weeks will be jamming as I get it in shape to submit to festivals. I love it and its sexy! Look out.

David Rockefeller, Zemeckis duo, Gordon Wangers, Jennifer Schwab Wangers, Susan Rockefeller,

But the main reason we were in New York was for the annual Oceana event. It was spectacular. In the historic Yacht Club, built in the late 1890s I believe. We all raised 1.5 million. Here is a link if there is anything you can contribute.

Just some of their accomplishments are:

  • Prevent the expansion of offshore oil drilling in 90 percent of US waters.
  • Remove deadly drift gillnets from the world’s second largest barrier reef in Belize and California saving hundreds of dolphins, sea turtles, sharks, and many other important marine creatures.
  • Win a pause on all new oil and gas leasing—preventing 19 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions and more than $720 billion in damage to people, property, and the environment.
  • Pass legislation banning single-use plastic that ends up in the ocean in multiple cities, states, and countries, including an ambitious law in Chile that promises to be the global standard for plastic pollution control.
  • Rebuilding fisheries. As a result of Oceana’s advocacy, Mexico and Brazil agreed to share their fishing vessel tracking data, making it easier to enforce the rules designed to keep fisheries sustainable.

an content) I am also gearing up for a next session of my mentoring program Stories Matter, professional female authors mentoring the next generation of storytellers. Stay tuned.
Not a Suspect


Very much enjoyed The Women of Troy by Pat Barker. After the burning of Troy what is to become of the women? Fresh, captivating, heartbreaking. Slavery and rebellion. Another surprising read was Couple Found Slain: After a Family Murder by Mikita Brottman. At first it seems like another pair of shit parents murdered by their mentally disturbed kid. And it is that, but the story really gets good after the kid is sent to a mental hospital. He has currently been there for the past 27 ish years. A scathing indictment of how we push aside, with very little regulation certain elements of our society, and it isn’t about rehabilitation, and it isn’t about justice and there is very little measure sticks to ensure fairness.
I’ve read a million more books and they are on my Good Reads

Looking for the next ENTITY Magazine book club author which will be back in the Spring.

Burlesque and Pinup Emojis
If your BOOK CLUB would like me to visit via Skype, I’m available AFTER SUMMER. It’s been fun coming into your homes, sending specialty FAN cocktail recipes before for you all to try, email me at if you want me to join in. A questionnaire is on the website to download for your Book Club.
And what I’m reading or recently read
for complete list, I have everything on Good Reads
as I can’t remember them all!
Hopefully not too many typos . . . See ya between the pages. Belive!
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